Benefit from a >50% Conversion Rate with Apple Search Ads

Apple Search Ads

What are Apple Search Ads?

Apple Search Ads are the advertisements displayed when users search for apps in the Appstore. Using the platform ensures marketers more visibility for their business in the Appstore. With an average conversion rate of over 50%, it is a powerful user acquisition tool because the ads displayed match user search intent.

Marketers are given two possible solutions on the platform: Apple Search Ads Basic vs Apple Search Ads Advanced. To learn more about each solution, and what better serves your needs take a look at Apple’s documentation.

What are the benefits of using Apple Search Ads?

✓ Enables you to get high quality users at a relatively low cost
✓ Gives you access to a wide audience since 70% of Appstore visitors use search to find new apps
✓ Allows you to reach high intent audience since all searchers intend to install an app
✓ Enables you to get a higher return on ad spend (ROAS) because it’s a relatively new platform

ETL your Apple Search Ads data to the Data Destination of your choice within minutes

Explore Growth FullStack data destinations to ETL your apple search ads data

Why you should choose Growth FullStack to ETL your Apple Search Ads data

Growth FullStack empowers developers to adapt to a privacy-first world and continue pursuing their marketing analytics goals with ease. Enabled by a plug-and-play model, with Growth FullStack mobile marketers no longer need to rely on in-house data engineering to unify and understand complex data sets, as they can find everything they need on our platform.

We ensure that mobile publishers worldwide now have the opportunity to collect the data that they need, store it in the way they want, and optimize their campaign activities using off-the-shelf or custom analyses.

Benefits of using Growth FullStack

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